Monday, May 4, 2009

Sticks and Stones

I ride my bike around a lot, and I have a lot of time to think about various things when I'm miles away from town riding up and down the Panhandle's incredible straight roads. Today I got to thinking about how when I was little it was really a big deal, in school and at home and everywhere, to not call names and not say hurtful stuff to people. In high school it seems that virtually everyone has forgotten about that. Every day I hear, and say, words like faggot, retard, idiot, and other things that I'm not gonna write down.  It's like it isn't even a big deal anymore to be constantly trying to cut other people down. Almost everybody in my school is guilty of it, myself included.

Almost every day I'll either witness or be a part of a verbal battle that has more curse words than most R rated movies. And we do it right in front of teachers too. I can only think of 2 teachers who will even say anything when two students start cussing each other out right in front of them. What happened? In second grade I'd get in big trouble just for calling somebody dumb or weird. Now I can yell down the hall at somebody, proclaiming them to be a bleeping bleep bleep or something and not even get a reproach from a teacher.

And maybe it actually hurts that annoying kid's feelings when I hurl expletive laden insults at him every day. Maybe it doesn't, but still, I'm not putting a very Christ-like image if I talk like that. 

I'm certain that I've read scripture dealing with cussing and name calling and the like, but being the scatterbrained teen that I am, I can't bring any verses to mind. If I run across any I'll put it in the comments. 

So anyway that's all I've got for today, so when I head to school tomorrow I'm gonna try to do like my mom says and if I don't have anything nice to say I won't say anything at all.


Anonymous said...

I remember when I was in 9th grade, my favorite word would had to have been the F-word. I found myself cursing more than ever and it was mainly because I wanted to be like my friends. My friends used expletives that were cutting and deep. I did the same.

When I was taken out of the public school system to be home-schooled my tenth grade year, that's when I really became a Christian. All the hidden things I had done in the dark were made light. It was by God's grace all of my secret hidden sins had been exposed and God was able to work in my life.

I would challenge you to study 1 Timothy 4:12. I will be praying for you, that God would give you a new mind, pure heart, and contrite spirit.

In Him,
Deeper (Skylar)

Marie said...

Hey Ross,
Glad to see that you are back at the blogging :-) A scripture that comes to mind for me is this one:
Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4:29
I like the name of your blog...could you explain how you came to choose it? (I'm assuming from the scripture that talks about removing the log from your own eye before you can see the speck in another's?)
Marie with a :-)

Teresa said...

Ahhhh, I'd tell my children that too and they'd roll their eyes. I believe it is from Bambi. LOL It is sure a different world. I have a little something that I read often.... "For I am the Lord thy God who takes you by the right hand and says fear not, I will help you. Isaiah 41:13 Reach out your hand and hold on. God Bless.

Justine said...

As a middle/high special education teacher, I occasionally hear those hurtful things and let me tell you, I refuse to ALLOW it. Usually startles the students because, hey, I'm the cool teacher. I am until it comes to that stuff. As a kid I was both of those kids and probably still am in my facial reactions more so than words. It's always nice to be reminded to be mindful of the words we choose and how hurtful they or nasty looks can be. Thanks