Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Oh My God! Music

I hate praise music. Hate it. It puts me in a decidedly un-worshipful mood. Uninspired bass and drums thumping along underneath guitars and piano that are entirely devoid of musical imagination, all playing the same four chords behind some guy/girl moaning softly like they're in physical pain. What part of that is supposed to get me all fired up for Jesus? I know there's no accounting for taste, but why is this contemporary praise stuff so popular with Christians?

As a bass and guitar player, it really frustrates me listening to and watching praise music. The guitarists don't ever do anything outside of simple strumming, and the bass players are seemingly satisfied with playing four or maybe five notes throughout the entire song. I saw Casting Crowns last year, and the bassist stood in the same spot for the whole show, playing straight quarter note rhythms and never deviating from the roots of the chords. For non musicians that sentence just means the bass lines were boring. I don't want to pick on just this one guy, I can't remember ever hearing an interesting bassline in praise and worship music. There are times when simple music is important, but an entire genre of completely colorless musicians? No thanks.

I know that praise musicians love the Lord. I'm not slamming them for that. But if you're going to create something to give glory to the most amazing being in existence shouldn't you put some work into it? God know we love him either way, yes, but why not actually put some skill into offerings? Praise musicians seem to think that throwing a few choruses of "you're totally awesome God I love you so much oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God Jesus Jesus"on top of some lame music is beautiful art. I read in a magazine, I don't remember which one, a letter to the editor about praise music having low standards. The writer said "Make good art, not just Christian art" or something to that effect.

If you're satisfied with music that any 8 year old who's been playing guitar for a month can reproduce with no problems then go out and listen to your hearts content, but I'll spend my time listening to real music. Christian doesn't have to equal bland and lacking imagination.


Carla said...

You tell'em!! Then, go out and make some GOOD worship music!

Drew said...

Man imagine if church music was all like dueling guitars and like priests shredding licks way beyond their abilities; I'd so totally go to church everyday