It's been like, a year or something since I've posted. I doubt many will read this, but I'm up at three in the morning unable to sleep so here I am.
I thought I'd post about my favorite Bible verse, Psalm 14:1. For those of y'all who don't have a Bible handy I'll go ahead and lay down the New American Standard version of the verse right here.
The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, they have committed abominable deeds; There is no one who does good.
I love this verse. It's just dripping with all the sorts of stuff Christians like to hear. Fools say, "There is no God." Of course they do. Back in the day, they called people who didn't believe in God "fools." Today we call them atheists. If we replace the "they" in the second part of the verse with "atheists," we get something like this: "Atheists are corrupt, atheists have committed abominable deeds; there is no one who does good."
Well that's interesting. According to the Bible, atheists are all corrupt individuals who can't do a single good deed because abominable ones take up all their time. This puts me in somewhat of a difficult position, because I am an atheist. Or, if you're Biblically inclined, a fool.
Remember about a year ago when I made a post about my determination to keep my faith strong when I got to school? That didn't happen. You see, I read the Bible cover to cover twice the summer before I headed off to Tulane, and I discovered there's a lot of
crap in there.* All the terrible junk in the Bible, such as dudes letting their concubines get gang raped to death** , had me kind of turned off of the whole Christianity thing by the time I got to college. I still believed in God, but I was sufficiently distanced from Him to not feel a bit of guilt when I got hammered my first night in New Orleans. It was all downhill from there. I got into philosophy, and I read books written by non-Christian philosophers. (Gasp!) I won't go into all the details right now, because that's not the purpose of this post, but for now I'll say this: I'm an atheist, and I like it. I've loved being an atheist more in 6 months than I loved being a Christian in 6 years.***
So, back to Psalm 14:1. The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." I say that, in my heart, I guess, many times a day. That must make me a fool. I don't like that. I think I'm a pretty swell guy. I think I'm pretty smart too. Chances are good, about 96% actually, that I scored higher on my SAT than you did (or will). I'm in the honors program at the 50th best university in the nation, according to U.S. News. I don't know how many universities there are in the country, but I bet there's at least 1000. So, am I an arrogant d-bag? Kind of. Am I a fool? The jury's still out on that one.
They (atheists) are corrupt, they have committed abominable deeds, There is no one who does good. Hmm. I don't really think I'm that corrupt. I haven't ever taken a bribe or embezzled, or any of the other things you hear about when you read newspaper headlines about corruption. I don't think I've committed any abominable deeds, but I suppose that depends on your definition of abominable. If underage drinking is abominable, or if you think gratuitous use of the "f word" in everyday conversations between 18-20 year olds is abominable, then I'm the abominable snowman. If you think of as abominable thinks like rape, murder, and bigotry, then I'm squeaky clean. I also like to think of myself as a person who does a good deed on occasion. I hold the door for people, I spent months helping 4th graders in the ghetto learn long division, and I told a couple redneck dudes today (yesterday, technically) that racism was "not cool, man."
I'm 19, so I guess I'm probably pretty retarded by normal person standards, but am I really abominable? Come on now, people.
* If you don't believe me about the crap, check out this extremely irreverent but also very accurate representation of Genesis 19.
** Judges 19; my version says "ravish," not "gang rape."
*** I say 6 years and not 18 because I was about 13 when I really started to be a Christian for myself, instead of just because my parents told me to. Calling a 7 year old a Christian is like calling a 7 year old a Kantian. They don't understand the Bible any more that they do Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals.