Saturday, July 26, 2008

Falls Creek

I just got back from Falls Creek, a huge Christian youth camp in Oklahoma, and it was an amazing experience. In addition to having a great time hanging out with friends and getting to worship God with 6000 other teenagers I learned some things from God this week.

The first thing I figured out is that I've been going about my relationship with God all wrong. I've got several atheist friends and whenever I was around them I would sort of hide the fact that I was a Christian, because I was almost ashamed of it. I wouldn't come right out and deny my faith, but I wouldn't come right out and talk about it either. I would tell them stuff like "yeah I'm a Christian, but I'm not like the other Christians you know, I'm not into church and most other Christians are stupid," or something like that. I looked pretty cool for my non-believing friends, but I almost felt like I was apologizing to them for what I believed, and I wasn't right with God. At Falls Creek I came to realize that being a follower of Jesus is absolutely the greatest thing in the world, and not something to be ashamed of. So I made a decision to not hide my faith anymore. It's going to be hard, and I'm kind of nervous about it, but I think it's what God wants me to do.

Another thing that happened to me at Falls Creek is that I felt called to be a campus missionary. What the people at Falls Creek challenged me to do was get people praying for the students at my high school and then share my faith at least once a month. From the minute I heard about it I haven't been able to get it out of my head, so it seems like God is pointing me in that direction. I'm scared to death at the thought of sharing Christ with my classmates, but I suppose that if I can help get one person saved it will be worth it.



Carla said...

You can do that at Tulane as well!

Marie said...

Hurray for you! I will be praying that you will be able to stay strong, remembering that "He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it."